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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:107回 リリース日:2008年1月23日
What You Are
作詞 坂口博信/訳詞:堀内美穂/シーザーフィローリ/佐藤ミシェル 
作曲 植松伸夫
When you touch me, it feels just like a dream
With the warmth that's in your eyes when you look at me
I hear your voice beside me
It whispers to me
I can't hide how it makes me feel
This shyness you see

I may never understand how deep it goes
But I know how I feel, what I hold deep in my heart
There's just no way to stop this
It's hopeless, but true
I feel this love more than anything
So what more can I do?

You know I thought I would be much stronger than I am
But then I feel the boldness that's inside my heart just
melt away
And how I feel for you, and what I want to say
Keeps getting locked inside

I'd like to make what you are
Into someone irreplaceable
Who will always be by my side

I'd like to make what you are
Into something so wondrous in this life of mine
That I would love for all time

When you kiss me, I think I'm in a dream
With the warmth that's in your gaze when you look at me
Your eyes fill with emotion
Sparkling with tears
I feel this love, this is everything
But what more can I do?

You know I thought I would be more fragile than I am
But then my hands hold strong onto the truth I know and
hold so dear
And with this gentle touch I hope I can express just how
I feel for you

I'd like to make what you are
Into someone irreplaceable
Who will always be by my side

I'd like to make what you are
Into something so wondrous in this life of mine
That I would love for all time

I'd like to make what you are
Into something I can always feel
Near to me when I reach out my hands

I'd like to make what you are
Into something so wondrous in this life of mine
That I would love all time
That I would love for all time

あなたの その手のひらで
頬が ぬくもりに 満たされて
あなたの 強い ささやきで
耳が はじらいに 染められて

深さが わからないほど
胸が ぎゅうっと にぎりしめられ
どうにも ならない 高ぶりで
想いが なにもかも 飛び越えてく

一番強いはずの 私
心はすぐに ほどけてしまいそう
身体はすぐに しめつけられてしまいそう

そばによりそってくれる 何にも変え難いものに
あなたの存在を 変えてみたい


あなたの その口づけで
頬が あたたかく 満たされて
あなたの 潤んだ 瞳で
想いが なにもかも 飛び越えてく

一番弱いはずの 私
両手はすぐに つかんでしまいそう
指はすぐに そっとなぞってしまいそう

そばによりそってくれる 何にも変え難いものに
あなたの存在を 変えてみたい


あなたの存在を 変えてみたい


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SHEENA EASTONさん『What You Are』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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