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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:318回 リリース日:2001年10月24日
Come A Long Way
作詞 RYU 
It was cold that night
When you came into my troublesome life
And it seemed as though
everything's gonna be alright, for the moment
Since then here and there
My life's become like a rooler coaster ride
Up and down,
round and round,
Bad times and good times were on hand
We tried to live up to our feelings
But then soon, we overcame them all,

one by one,
side by side we gave each other,
Love that's real,
an everlasting one,
real love

We've come a, come a long way
After dark
you were sweet
So emotional,
holding me in your warm arms
But the very next day,
you were gone
Didn't care how I felt,
or couldn't act the way I wanted

But then soon, we overcame them all,

one day one,
side by side we gave each other,
Love that's real,
an everlasting one,
real love

We've come a, come a long way
You and me together
Even though,
we have fights,
we still are one

Love that's real,
an everlasting one,
real love
We've come a, come a long way

It was cold that night
When you came into my troublesome life
Everything's alright
Now that we have each other together and forever

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