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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:34回 リリース日:2014年1月29日
作詞 RYU 
作曲 RYU
There is nothing here.
In blackness.
You gave me life in silent bloody world.

This is starburst. More than fire.
Lead me beyond the horizon.
No one knows the light region.
Rewrite yourself in the end.

When stars meet howling my voice?
Bring me - your emotin right now.
Rise. Life. Raise. Into the starlight.
I need your shiny bright memory.

Find out.
Break through infinity and lightness.
Light. Far away...
Find out a invisible myself.
We will break down thousands darkness fear
Call my name when you are in timeless.
This broken dead world.
In this broken dead world.

What is beyond the space?
Inside me.
You save me in the sightless everywhere.

This is passion. More than fire.
Take me to life stream.
No one knows the outer space.
Rewrite myself in the end.

When light meet freezing my voice.
Bring me - your spirit right now.
Rise. life. Raise. Into the stardust.
I need your rainy fake memory.

Find out.
Break down insanity and madness.
Light. Far away...
Look up into the sky and planet.
We will ride on thousands shooting star.
Get back - your missing memory.
Your missing memory.
And making daybreak.

Light, Rise, Light, in this peace.
Light, Rise, in this daybreak.

When stars meet howling my voice.
Bring me - your emotion right now.
Rise. Life. Raise. Into the stardust.
I need your shiny bright memory.

Find out.
Break through infinity and lightness.
Light. Far away...
Find out a invisible myself.
We will break down thousands darkness fear
Call my name when you are in timeless.
Call my name, when you are in timeless...

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BLOOD STAIN CHILDさん『LAST STARDUST』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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